It was a day of general maintenance at NC on Monday, just the usual stuff, mowing and weeding in the constant battle to rule Mother Nature, so I'll bring you up to date on a few other things.
In the garden the apple trees are starting to blossom, all we need now are a few sunny days and it will look stunning.
Dogs v's rabbits count is now Shandy 5, Bisto 1.
Unfortunately the little duck didn't make it, but now we have a clutch of pheasant eggs in the vinery to worry about!
I had a busy afternoon in my garden on Sunday having a go at weaving a willow wigwam for my runner beans. On Friday I'd attended a course run by Phil Bradley, a master basket weaver, where he taught us how to construct what is basically a salmon trap turned upside down. I'm rather pleased with my efforts, the bigger of the two is the one I managed to make on my own, it may not have the finesse of the other but looks like it will manage the job nevertheless!
"Each person has his own safe place, running, painting,swimming, weaving, gardening. The activity itself is less important than the act of drawing on your own resources" Barbara Gordon