Beautiful spring primroses
I've been a very busy girl this week having ventured into my own garden an unprecedented three times for February, mainly because there have been glimmers of spring and as I finally went shopping at the garden centre and had lots of preparation to attend to before planting. Keeping a eye on the weather which was forecast to be awful on Wednesday, and indeed was, I took the opportunity to dig over my winter compacted borders and plot the exact positions of my new acquisitions. Thursday I planted ten of the packets of seeds which arrived from the RHS a couple of weeks ago, those that benefit from a period of cold stratification to aid germination as I have a feeling we're not done with winter just yet. Then on Friday my new plants went in, each with a sprinkling of mycorrhizal fungi to aid good root growth. My choices were
Sorbus 'Olympic Flame'
Rosa 'kiftsgate'
Rosa 'Soilder Boy'
Garrya elliptica
Buddleja alternifolia
Feeling very satisfied with my weeks work I arrived at Norton Conyers on Saturday to find it was tree planting time again, so between us we planted over 100 bare root native saplings in the woods complete with stakes and guards before finishing off the gooseberry pruning- PHEW!
"Of all the wonderful things in the wonderful universe of God, nothing seems to me more surprising than the planting of a seed in the blank earth and the result therefore"
Julie Moir Messervy