Back at work on a drab January morning, we did what any self respecting bunch of gardeners would do and built a bonfire. Down on the old tennis court which is normally the domain of bunnies and brambles, we proceeded to burn a years worth of rubbish, including this old door frame which made the whole thing look rather like a fire place. Then whilst Shandy did her best with the rabbit problem we tackled the brambles, vicious monsters with thorns like knife tips, it was satisfying to consign them to the flames despite incurring a few injuries on the way.
Later we moved up to the house for some cutting back, this should have been done earlier but was overlooked so all the foliage had been reduced to mush, most unpleasant. Still at least we weren't as wet as Giles who was jet washing the flags and unblocking the drains! As we neared the end of the task Alyson discovered a hibernating hedgehog amongst the detritus, so she carefully placed his nest of leaves back around him hopefully leaving him to slumber on undisturbed until spring. The Grahams taking pity on the bedraggled band outside invited us in for a cuppa and a warm around the Aga just before home, so all in all not a bad first day back after Christmas.
I'm fast asleep in here! |
"One kind word can warm three winter months"
Japanese proverb