Tuesday 20 May 2014

May Magic

May is without doubt my favourite month. The whole garden at Norton Conyers is sparkling in the sunshine, and even my own modest plot is picturesque. All the greens are fresh with promise, and all the flower buds strive for their moment in the warmth, before the weariness and fatigue of the later months bleed the life force slowly away again. The iris walk is once again resplendent with colour and well worth seeing, but other smaller blooms make their presence felt in other ways. Convallaria majalis lily of the valley is tucked away in quiet corners of the garden, its graceful bells were said to fall from Eve's tears as she left the garden of Eden. In the language of flowers it signifies the return of happiness and if you fill a small vase with a modest posy the rapturous fragrance will quickly fill your room. I hope you all enjoy the prettiest month of the year.
"The worlds favourite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May"
Edwin Way Teale


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