Saturday 13 September 2014

September Seeds

One of the joys at this time of year is the collection of all that lovely free seed, each tiny capsule is another potential plant bursting with promise. Every single one holds the potential for a new strain or an exact replica of the parent, how can one resist popping a couple into a pot of earth and seeing the miracle of life begin again. The weather lately has been perfect for collection, wait until the dew has burnt off, take your paper bag into the sunshine and off you go! Because Norton Conyers specialises in hardy perennials the best time to sow these seeds is right now, in nature they would just drop to the ground or be carried away by birds and small mammals many of whom may stash their treasures and then forget them, giving them a perfect starting place far from the parent plant, we are just doing the same thing. This is also the perfect excuse for not being too tidy in the garden too soon, by leaving the seed heads standing well into winter you are feeding many creatures, providing habitats for insects, and giving the plant itself maximum time for reproduction, the sole reason for the plant existing in the first place. I think gardeners pride themselves on being part of this magical cycle.

Observe the poppy seed heads on the left and you can see where the tiny birds and mammals of the garden have been feasting on the goodies inside.

"Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower.
John Harrigan


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