Thursday 20 November 2014

Wounded Soldier

We had a morning of high drama today at Norton Conyers. The rabbit hunt passed uneventfully and we settled down to some seasonal digging in front of the orangery. Then Giles came up with the brilliant idea of flushing the rabbits out of their warren by putting the hosepipe down, it worked a treat and we were soon chasing at least three bunnies around the garden like loonies. Boy are they fast! Shandy as ever was giving it her all and finally managed to corner one in the forcing house, unfortunately this is also where all sorts of things that may come in useful like panes of glass are stored. The next thing we heard was a crash and then Shandy emerged triumphant with a huge rabbit, it was bucking and kicking and managed to escape twice before she finished it off. Only then did we notice the blood running down one back leg, scooping her up Giles decided it looked bad enough for the vet so we wrapped her leg in a tea towel and off he went in a hurry. We were all really worried but she will be fine, she has cut a tendon but they have stitched it up and put her leg in plaster so it cannot move. So that is the end of our rabbit hunts for a while until our secret weapon is recovered. Photo to follow on Monday, when we will all sign her cast and draw pictures of bunnies on it!

"Time heals all wounds"
Geoffrey Chaucer


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