As the length of the days gradually slip towards winter our list of tasks in the garden becomes shortened too, it is also dictated by the weather meaning that just about all we could hope to achieve on a wet morning was leaf collecting. There is not much point in identifying the worker in the photo as we all looked pretty much identical dressed in soggy waterproofs. Much to our amazement the rain did clear after lunch turning the temperature much colder with it, first thing this morning was really quite mild but later on we could see our breath misting the air. Cutting back the borders continued in the afternoon seeing us make good progress, only the round garden, peach house and main border to go now meaning we should be finished in time to begin the woods work in January. This will be my third winter working outside, how time flies!
"Time sometimes flies like a bird, sometimes crawls like a snail, but man is happiest when he does not even notice whether it passes swiftly or slowly"
Ivan Turgenev
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