Friday 17 October 2014

All In A Days Work

We had some unexpected visitors first thing yesterday morning, Giles and Nicky had already managed to herd them into the old pig sty area where they could be contained when we arrived. Shandy had been denied her wish to try her paw at being a  sheep dog luckily so they seemed quite a calm bunch. They happily munched what they could until the farmer came to collect them. We were rather glad to see them go as we had to keep the gate shut, meaning a bit of a palaver every time we had to empty the wheel barrows. The compost heap is  growing rapidly as we continue to cut the garden back, all we need now is a really sharp frost to help us by blackening the tender plants and making the decision easy as to whether or not to let them have a few more days. At home I have been waiting for three weeks now, with my winter bedding in reserve, for the pots at the front of the house to start looking scruffy so I can replace them, but so far they still look resplendent, I shall have to be patient a while longer and reprimand myself for wishing for cold weather!
"To create man was a quaint and original idea, but to add the sheep was tautology"
Mark Twain


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