Tuesday 16 October 2012

Autumn Comes To The Garden

Whilst I was away gallivanting in Chester over the weekend Autumn has stolen into the walled garden. There was a hard frost Friday night which saw the rest of the team scrambling to harvest the remaining fruits and tender veg. When I arrived back yesterday morning the greenhouse looked very bare without its jewel like adornment of ruby tomatoes, in their place sat the crown prince squash looking fat and glaucous promising sweetness for stews and soups over the winter. The dahlia stems have started to blacken and that signals the start of the cutting back season it doesn't really make for riveting narration, so in the weeks to come I'll try and keep my eyes peeled for unusual fungi and small critter sightings to amuse you with instead.

"Autumn, the years last and loveliest smile"
William Cullen Bryant


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