Tuesday 2 June 2015

Wretched Wind

What an unseasonal May we have had, the weather as unpredictable as I've ever known it in this normally cheery month, and the wretched wind just will not go away. We have been leaving work with cheeks as cherry red as if we had worked a day in October. They say it is something to do with El NiƱo upsetting the weather patterns around the world and that we shall have a bad winter as a result, there's a piece of good news for you! Meanwhile it has not been helping us gardeners especially as we have been busy with the big plant out. Dahlias, salvias and vegetables have all been placed out in the garden, but you try planting tiny thin leeks when the wind is blowing a hooley! Hopefully we shall see better things to come soon as a little heat is just what we all need now.

"The pessimist complains about the wind, the optimist expects it to change, the realist adjusts his sails"
William Arthur Ward


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