Royal Wedding Day Friday 29th April 2011
Whilst I was Visiting Southlands the other week, my friend Sue suggested that it would be fun to grow the plants required to make a Pimms, so I located each element and made some plant labels etc. I bought a nice big bag of oranges and thought I was all set, however once I started to search for the pips I found that not one of them contained any!(Mum then informed me that Navel oranges don't have them), so I bought some more of a different type from Knaresborough market, no pips. Finally I tried the little shop in Ripley(I can recommend it), and managed to retrieve a grand total of five. Three bags of oranges for five pips which probably won't grow, that's the Gemini pig-headedness in me, still it was fun, see above. The clematis has now flowered so you get two pics today.(By the way, if you want more detail you should be able to click on the images to enlarge them)
We are off to the coast this morning, no offence to the happy couple , wishing them all the best of course, but Chummy needs a change of air and we can catch up with the highlights later. Back on Monday.
"One mustn't ask apple trees for oranges, France for sun, women for love, life for happiness"
Gustave Flaubert