Monday 18th April 2011
Chummy dog and I came face to face with a deer this morning, we were walking down the Old Barber railway line towards the ponds when I noticed it. I thought it would run away, but it calmly went on having a drink, I don't think the dog noticed it because it was so quiet. I was almost close enough to touch it, when oh when will I remember to put the camera in my pocket along with the pooh bags!
This weekend was spent potting on my seedlings, it's good to get rid of the modules for another year. Next year I don't think I'll bother with then at all, instead I will plant less seed in larger modules and then plant them out when they are large enough.
The garden is looking beautiful, the plants are burgeoning forth, all we really need is some rain for them to reach their full potential. In the meantime I must help them along with the watering can and the hosepipe.
Germinations are happening thick and fast now, Courgette, Pak Choi and lettuce but still no signs of the herbs, I never will learn to be patient!
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
Albert Einstein.
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