Friday 15th Aprin 2011
Today I've been to Harrogate Flower show, It is the centenary year and to mark the occasion they have included show gardens for the first time. Very beautiful they are too, I hope this will continue in future shows.
However the big news today is, I am now the proud owner of a flower show trolley, this means that I am officially an old git! It also means that I can go to various garden centres and not have to rely on Dave giving me a lift home,and I can cart all sorts of bits and pieces to and from Southlands and Tate House. So if you spot a slightly eccentric looking middle aged woman pulling a tree or something green behind her, it will probably be me. Oh the joy of being able to embarrass the children at long last!
Obviously I've not had time for much more than a quick look round the garden today, but so far I notice that the Tarragon seeds have started to germinate and also those really expensive chillies(hooray). So far none of the other herbs have appeared, but they are outside, which means they will probably take twice as long. Here's hoping for a warm weekend to wake them up.
One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.
William Shakespeare
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