We were halfway round the walk we do with Chum on a Wednesday before I go to Diana and Brian's, when the evil migraine fairy struck. Abandoning all thoughts of gardening I retreated back home to bed for a couple of hours. What a waste of time when I have so much to do! In the end I just took it easy for the rest of the day doing nothing more strenuous than potting on a few things and making plans for catching up tomorrow. So you will just have to do with a couple of photos of the garden. Here I must point out that from now on I shall be giving all plant names in Latin, no I haven't gone all highbrow on you but it will be really good practice for the RHS course, where not only do I have to know what they mean but I also have to write them correctly. That is the first name , the genus, being given a capital letter, the second the species, a lower case letter and any cultivar starting with a capital and within single quotation marks. All must be in italics or if written by hand underlined!
Here we go then;
Pics- This is what that miserable wind has done to my lovely Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' which should be a glorious crimson at this time of year, but sulks horribly when wind scorched. On a more cheerful note though the Aster lingsyris 'Little Carlow' is looking lovely.
"A great wind is blowing, and that gives you either imagination or a headache"
Catherine the Great
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