A very blustery day on Monday as the remains of hurricane Katya swept across the country, it didn't stop Chum and I enjoying our walk however. It did nearly make off with a duvet cover I'd put out to dry though and it certainly didn't help to stem the early autumn causing even more leaf drop, some of the larger shrubs are beginning to look quite bare already. I'm also sad to report that the wind blew off the last plum from my baby tree, but I did rescue it before Chum got his chops round it! See pic, I also tasted it and found it quite delicious which bodes well for a bigger crop next year. Meanwhile my enthusiasm for toadstools continues unabated thanks to a competition being run by the River Cottage team. If you go onto their website you can find a list of fungi that should be relatively simple to find, I don't want to enter as the prize is a copy of the fungi dvd that I already own, but it's still fun to try and find them all, so far I've only got one!
Pics-the plum, fairy bonnets and butter caps.
"I trust in nature for the stable laws of beauty and utility, spring shall plant and autumn garner to the ends of time"
Robert Browning
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