I took a trip out on Wednesday evening, an almost unheard of occurrence these days, but I suppose you could say it was a bit of a bus man's holiday. My friend Hannah from college (a future star of the horticultural industry if you ask me), works at the Himalayan garden at Grewelthorpe and had arranged an exclusive evening visit for the Knaresborough Horticultural society complete with a guided tour from Hannah herself, so I sneaked along too. It was a very enjoyable visit, even if the breeze blowing along the lake did feel truly Himalayan!

The rhododendrons were looking magnificent and with the excellent sculptures nestling amongst the mountainous twists and turns, and the odd show-stopping blue
Meconopsis appearing out of the dusk, it was a memorable trip. At this point I must apologise to Hannah because despite pestering her for correct Latin names I confess I've forgotten the lot, must remember to take a note book next time! So no captions today just enjoy the photos.
"The good shine from afar like the snowy Himalayas" Buddah

"The marble not yet carved can hold the form of every thought the greatest artist has" Michelangelo
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