As we move ever closer to summer, in time if not in temperature, the chores in the garden become more labour intensive. We are waging a war on nature by trying to mould it to our neat garden ways, she is fighting back with all her might as the weeds threaten to swamp the borders, in her eyes there is as much merit in a stinging nettle as an iris. To begin with yesterday we thinned out the peach fruit discarding up to three quarters of the set so the remainder will grow fat and luscious for our consumption. More lettuce seedlings went into the cold frame next so there will be a continuous supply rather than all being ready at once. Then we resumed the mowing regime which seems to take longer and longer each time, I'm sure I must walk around the garden at least a hundred times when it's my turn to use the hand mower, well that's what it feels like! Finally we finished with another assault upon the peony border, Alyson and I left Giles, Vortek, and Gwyneth hard at it when we left at four, I do hope they manage to finish the job!
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvellous" Aristotle
The iris are blooming come and see! |
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