We grow Olympic nettles up at Norton Conyers, I've known this for some time having encountered some in the woods that could sting you through your trousers! Yesterday it was time to engage them in battle across the raspberry wires, they and lots of other weeds that have been allowed to grow to gigantic proportions, it's no wonder that no-one wanted to pick the fruit last year. There were only Giles and Alyson tending the garden in 2011 and they simply didn't have the time to tackle the problem, now there is more manpower so we intend to sort it out. We made a start first thing before the mowing duties took over and I was soon regretting not having invested in some gauntlets, it doesn't surprise me to find out that nettle stings contain histamine and formic acid, because it certainly feels like it, a potent cocktail. They also have the nasty habit of continuing to irritate hours after the initial sting. We managed to clear the first row, only another four to go!
"Teachers who inspire know that teaching is like cultivating a garden, those who would have nothing to do with thorns must never attempt to gather flowers"
The round garden, thankfully nettle free! |
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