Have I done enough to pass? There's always hope I guess. |
Monday and Tuesday were amongst the most difficult days of my life, eight exams to take all written in the RHS's unique parlance, it was a bit of a lottery sometimes things fell right and sometimes they didn't. Highlights (or should that be lowlights) were, 1. the plant nutrition paper that awarded ten whole marks for the description of a wormery with another two points given for naming the type of worm required to run one (where I pulled that piece of information from I'll never know), 2. In protected environments, a detailed table to fill in of a description of various rooms in the house and the effect of keeping house plants in them,does anyone you know keep potted plants in the bedroom? There were many other examples of tricky wording to be negotiated but who cares? It's all over, no more studying until I begin again in September!
"Learn something new every day under the sun. You will never get old if you do" Lois Bey
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