Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Secrets Revealed

The weather took a very seasonal twist for us yesterday, a light dusting of snow enhancing the spectral beauty of the plants, their dark decaying colours highlighted by the stark whiteness. Some of the garden plants however are only now taking their turn in the spotlight, thank goodness there is always something like Mahonia to brighten the dullest of days. We resumed cutting back the borders, soon amassing great barrow loads of vegetation to add to the huge steaming heap of cooking compost outside the garden walls. It is amazing what you notice when all the debris has been cleared away, you can inspect small shrubs and spring plantings for growth and general health, only now revealed again after being smothered by their more vigorous neighbours. My favourite finds are the birds nests, little works of tenderness and comfort for the precious babies now long since fledged, they are tucked away deep inside prickly bushes or holes in the walls, safe from our eyes until now, a hidden world exposed.

"Secrets are made to be found out with time" Charles Sandford


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