Skunk cabbage at Harlow Carr, interesting but not a beauty! |
Diana and I tried our hand at grafting again on Wednesday, a skill I'm happy to keep on practising whenever the opportunity arises as so few people have any experience of it outside of the nursery trade. Mid April is a little late to be doing this but as the gardens are generally a month behind because of the poor weather and the root stocks hadn't leafed up yet, we decided to take a chance. I found that I remembered what to do despite it being over a year since I last had a go and that I found it easier than last time. Only time will tell if they will take but I'm feeling hopeful.
See below for the apple bud sticks that I used this time; Back at college on Thursday we were given a behind the scenes tour at Harlow Carr, the propagation houses and compost heaps all looking pretty much as you would expect at home but on a much larger scale with diggers to turn the heaps instead of spades. I was pleased to learn that no other fertilisers are used on the main borders and that it is just this simple recycling of materials that keeps the plants looking so fine.We would have been allowed to look in the glasshouses and poly tunnels as well but the wind was so strong and gusty we weren't able to because of health and safety reasons, scuppered by the weather yet again! Next weeks lesson is a field trip to Harrogate flower show so I'll post a few photos and a bit of a write up about it then.
Compost on a grand scale |
"One thing you can't recycle is wasted time" Anon
Norfolk Royal |
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