Saturday 13 July 2013


Just Giles and I at work in the garden today and by this afternoon we were quietly melting in the heat. We settled down to watering the far vegetable patch and the new raspberry canes, as that seemed the least strenuous of all the jobs to do. It entailed stretching the big hosepipe as far as it would reach and trying to make the best of the poor pressure due to the distance. All was fine until the water petered out to a trickle, apparently we had run the well dry! So we switched to picking currants for the last hour or so filling another twenty punnets before home time. When Dave came sauntering up the path to collect me he was carrying two ice cold soft drinks for us, we couldn't express our gratitude enough.
My pictures are not doing justice to the garden at the moment as the lens keeps steaming up when in my pocket!

"If it could only be like this always, always summer, the fruit always ripe"
Evelyn Waugh


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