Things happen slowly in the walled garden at Norton Conyers, this is only right when you are a slave to the seasons and each one suggests its own work schedule. Last year we decided that a sun dial would look good in the centre of the round garden and so we installed the plinth and started to search for something suitable. Finally Alyson came across a perfect match and today brought it in to see how it looked, it is certainly in keeping with our very own style of elegant neglect and even managed to get tea-break time spot on! Our main task today was making a start on renovating the spring garden, this is also an ongoing project from last year, now that areas of it have been weed-killed we were able to dig it over and remove any bulbs for re-location. The idea is that both paths will be widened to allow wheelchair access and a rectangular paving area complete with bird bath will grace the central bed, watch this space for future developments.

Finally today we harvested the crown prince squashes, they have been merrily swamping last years compost heap with its rich bed of horse muck and have given us a bumper harvest, 57 at the last count! Including one that has wedged itself against the pig crates and is impossible to free. I think the horses deserve a few apples as a treat for their Stirling contribution. See below for the picture.
"Clocks slay time.....time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels. Only when the clock stops does time come to life.
William Faulkner
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