Cyclamen hederifolifolium in all its glory at the moment |
Nikky's daughter completed a tough obstacle course at the weekend and was understandably proud of herself, but after the day I had at Norton Conyers yesterday I began to think it would have been more of a challenge to spend the day gardening! It was my turn for the tractor again and despite the sunny start it was feeling surprisingly chilly, good job I'd remembered to bring a jacket I thought as I started the mowing. By break-time all was going well the temperature was rising and the only real problem I'd encountered was avoiding the cascades of apples falling on my head as I negotiated mowing under the trees. Back at work afterwards I noticed the sky darkening in the distance but assumed the weather would probably pass over, gritting my teeth I started another sortie onto the HaHa, this time making it all the way to the end. Just at the crucial moment as I attempted the three point turn the heavens opened. Now at this point I am the furthest from help anywhere in the grounds and the rain was so heavy I needed to wear my hood, but that meant I couldn't see to reverse, so I confess I gave up again. By the time I'd trudged back to the others I wasn't just wet I was saturated, that meant spending the rest of the afternoon in a pair of plastic over-trousers whilst my own attire dried off in the greenhouse. I couldn't do much about my sodden feet though, not the most comfortable few hours I've ever spent! Still every day is a lesson learned and yesterdays was that it is now time to carry all my clothing whenever I go to work so all eventualities are covered, as they say in
Game of Thrones "Winter is coming!"
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all"
Helen Keller
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