The weather was mixed at Norton Conyers yesterday as was the workload, after an hours strimming I was put to work on the strawberry beds, placing a fresh bale of straw between the rows to keep the fruit off the earth, but only after a liberal scattering of slug pellets. This was made no easier by Shandy who thought I was making her a lovely comfy bed, she soon got short shrift when I began to net them over. It makes me ponder just how much effort goes into producing a small handful of this fruit, we have to fight all manner of small creatures to get our share, and secretly I think the straw only helps to provide them with hiding places. Our next task was hedge trimming, my particular garden bugbear, Giles did the cut thank goodness, as the machine is too heavy for us, but we got the tedious job of tidying the clippings. Note to self when next planting a hedge to make it a nice evergreen like
Taxus bacata which only needs attention once a year!
Meanwhile in the garden the poppies are looking spectacular,and my plant of the moment,
Cirsium rivulare 'Atropurpureum'
"Doubtless God could have made a better berry (than the strawberry), but doubtless God never did"
William Allen Butler
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