Tuesday 18 November 2014

A New Friend

Early morning rabbit hunt
Our days at Norton Conyers have now settled into a time honoured routine. We start each morning with a rabbit hunt, although despite evidence to the contrary we seem unable to find any. This year Giles is determined to wage war on them early so we are well ahead with the cutting back, meaning they have less places left to hide. There has even been talk of electrifying the yew hedge, which acts as rabbit central, as a means to deter them. Not all wild creatures are so unwelcome however, we seem to have been adopted by a robin that has moved into the peach house. Whenever we sit down to tea or lunch out he or she pops begging for crumbs. Giles is going to try and tame it to take crumbs out of his hand and so has started sharing his cake by placing some in strategic locations, which he will then slowly bring closer to where we sit. This is annoying Shandy somewhat as Giles never shares his cake, not even with her!
I have tried to get a photo but our little friend is a bit quick as yet, I shall keep trying though. Yesterday the robin serenaded us with a very pretty song as a thank you, much louder when inside. I think it will make a very charming addition to our workforce.
"A single rose can be my garden..... A single friend, my world"
Leo buscaglia


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