That was what I got for my troubles after returning from the half term break. It is a common gardeners problem but not one that has occurred to me before, I must make a mental note not to do it again, it hurt! We were continuing with the big cut back when it happened and upon bending forward I managed to impale myself, luckily Alyson came to my rescue with a tissue, I never carry them myself as they are useless when it is wet,(now there's a thought if someone could invent a stay dry and dirt free gardeners hankie I will gladly forsake the back of my glove, there's money to be made there someone!) needless to say I bled freely. Mind you it's better than a poke in the eye! That makes me wonder if that part of the garden will grow better next year, I'll keep you posted.
Meanwhile elsewhere in the garden the salvias are still looking fantastic, making one doubt that it is indeed November, they are still covered in bees too, but they had best make the most of it as we will be bringing the ones we want to save indoors very soon, as well as the dahlias. There is frost forecast at last this week so we must say goodbye to those gorgeous mellow autumn colours and prepare for winter.
"Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons"
Jim Bishop
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