October is spider month, I'm finding them everywhere at the moment, but after a year of being a gardener I find that I don't mind them so much any more. Much worse are the biting gnats that live under the apple tree in the spring garden we are renovating at present, they plague Nikki so much she has to wear a hat even on the warmest of days. It's been a big job but we finished it yesterday, each plant has been dug up and checked for weed, the worst offenders being thrown away, we must have unearthed at least a thousand allium bulbs which we must find homes for on Monday! The idea is to leave the area fallow for a year and if any weeds recur they can be blasted with weed killer before we consider a new planting scheme for 2014. But I digress, I don't mind the spiders because they eat the pesky flies but on a balmy October day their webs engulf us and there is nothing worse than finding your face entwined in gossamer threads, usually when you have your hands full and cannot wipe them away. But the baby spider lings must make their way across the garden to do their important work somehow, so I guess I'll just have to learn to live with the feeling.
"I trust in nature for the stable laws of beauty and utility. Spring shall plant and autumn garner to the end of time"
Robert Browning
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