Sunday 28 October 2012

Gardeners Nose

The end of October is early in the season to be afflicted by gardeners nose, but when I observed a light dusting of snow yesterday morning I knew it was probably here to stay until the spring. Let me explain about gardeners nose, it doesn't matter how refined your upbringing, all fellow gardeners are troubled by a terminal drip at the start of winter, you might have a large mans handkerchief, a dainty scrap of lace or simply a piece of tissue, it matters not, you will not be able to use it. With hands encased in two sets of gloves, with fingers like sausages already covered in muck, there is no hope of reaching into your pocket and politely wiping the offending organ. Going against all that your aged relatives ever taught you, you either drip or swipe with the back of your glove if clean enough! So with snowy toes and drippy noses it seemed a good time to say goodbye to the cut flower border, confining the dahlias to the orangery and the annuals to the compost heap. winter has arrived too early this year.

"One kind word can warm three winter months" Japanese proverb


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