Salvia Amistad |
We planted the salvias in the south border yesterday, that means that at last all risk of frost is passed and summer is truly on its way. I'm fairly ambivalent about salvias or sages but maybe my mind is slowly being swayed by one or two that really shine. In particular I'm falling for Salvia Amistad with its intensely violet flowers, they stand out so beautifully on a dull day almost glowing and Royal Bumble with its crimson audacity also puts on a good show. However I do have a bugbear with this plant as I cant stand the smell, there's a mustiness to it that irritates my nose and if you handle one or brush past one the aroma surrounds you, oh well I suppose that may grow on me eventually too.
"For man as for flower and beast and bird, the supreme triumph is to be most vividly, most perfectly alive"
D H Lawrence
Salvia Royal Bumble |
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