Tuesday 1 April 2014

Hidden places

Anemone de caen
You can tell spring is finally here as all of a sudden the garden is a flurry of activity. We have made the first plantings,the sweet peas are firmly anchored to their wigwams, onion sets in their modules, Jerusalem artichokes have been dug up and the choicest tubers replanted in the same spot (always a good idea as you always miss a few and will never get rid of them), and the broad beans planted in their rows. Shandy's rabbit total so far this year has reached a magnificent 10, but despite her and our best efforts we are still not rabbit free, unlikely to happen now that the plants are growing and providing plenty of hiding places. One of the favourite hidey holes is behind the dahlia crates so we have left them there to tempt in future victims, others have also taken up the offer as you can see from this blackbird nest so we cannot move them now!
We also had our first visitors of the year yesterday although we don't officially open until Sunday, the Grahams brought round a film crew who are interested in using the garden as a location, they seemed very interested in all the gardens hidden places, so who knows we may be the next historical hit!

"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it"
Roald Dahl


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