Saturday 26 April 2014

Must Have Plant!

Harrogate flower show opened on Thursday and the weather was stunning, by the time I managed to visit on Friday it was back to business as usual, as the crowds dodged heavy showers and tried to cram as many wheelchairs, motor scooters, pushchairs and flower trolleys as possible into the pavilions! Still I enjoyed the buzz of being with so many like minded people despite the lack of space. Purchases were made which included new Showa gloves, very good value at four pairs for £20, a lovely Acer palmatum Inaba-Shidare, the cutest Picea glauca Tiny and a great scarf with bugs printed on it.
But far and away the plant I coveted the most was this unusual Tropaoleum, but I must await the autumn seed catalogue before I can get my hands on it, roll on autumn!
"Covet wealth, and want it, don't, and luck will grant it"
Chinese proverb


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