Things continue in an autumnal vein at Norton Conyers, despite the vivid colours of the rudbeckias and asters we are nearly into October already. That annual bugbear of mine, mulching, has now started in earnest and we spent the whole day barrowing one sort or another to various parts of the estate, I wonder how many miles we walked yesterday! Our latest project is to erect a greenhouse in the old piggeries where we can over-winter the salvias and propagate new plants next spring. It is good to see new areas of the garden move forward and with the house due to officially open in 2016 we must make sure every thing looks at its best. There is much to do if we hope to make the deadline!
"By all these lovely tokens
September days are here
With summers best of weather
And autumns best of cheer"
Helen Hunt Jackson
Nicky in action in the peach house, we are still watering every day! |
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