Sunday 27 January 2013

Bacon Sandwich Blues

A bit of a catch up blog from the last few days is all I can offer for this latest post. Thursday at Harlow Carr offered no new delights to share with you apart from some of the class walking down through the pine woods into town to check out a turf conference, it turned out to be of little interest to us gardeners being of more appeal to green keepers and the like, but all of us were drooling over the shiny state of the art lawnmowers. Sausage Saturday didn't happen of course due to the snow bomb dropped on us on Friday night, so another enforced day off saw Dave and I walking Chum in the valley gardens where we had great fun throwing snowballs at his head. Chum was off the lead for once to allow for maximum enjoyment but it wasn't long before he disgraced himself with his usual elan, catching a whiff of bacon sandwiches from the Magnolia Cafe and ignoring increasingly desperate cries of "biscuit" from us, he was soon jumping all over a poor family trying to enjoy their breakfast. Luckily for us no one lost any food and they seemed to find it all amusing, but it was a very close call! Back to work Monday with a bit of luck, if we're not all washed away by snow-melt.

"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelt as good as bacon"
Doug Larson

That's about as sexy as a lawnmower gets!


Has any other dog's actions in canine history ever been more governed by his rumbling hunger than Chums?!

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