Monday 21 January 2013

The Snow Gift

One of the few days of the year with not a gardener in sight down at the local allotments
If it is going to snow at all it might as well do it properly like today, no dithering about whether to go to work or school or not. I just wish someone would make a definitive decision about closing the night before now we have such good forecasts, then I wouldn't have to get up at six o' clock to listen to Stray FM's snow watch and the teenagers could have a lie in. Still they are delighted to have a legitimate day off for once and are perfectly capable of making it in to town, whereas making it to school was simply impossible! I have managed to fill my morning by walking Chum, not easy in skiddy conditions as he pulls, visiting the local builders merchants to buy a snow shovel, clearing our drive in double quick time only to watch the snow quickly accumulate again and making it down to the bottom of the garden to feed and water the birds. All that remains to be done is to lay the fire in and make a chili for tea, the world is still, quiet and serene, a gift to those of us with busy schedules.

"Life is the first gift, love is the second and understanding the third"
Marge Piercy

The bird table cafe is always open whatever the weather


Lovely pictures...

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