Friday 1 February 2013

Life Through A Lens

I've got yet another new camera, as a gardener who likes to take snaps of whatever is going on I do seem to go through quite a few. Hopefully this one will live up to its name, all the others have met their end by becoming clogged with grit and exposed to more moisture than was probably wise, "Bluey" though is water, dirt and cold proof and will even withstand being dropped off a ladder. It might even take decent pictures! Only time will tell. I'm not much of a photographer I admit, but I hope you all enjoy getting a glimpse into my somewhat eccentric world. At last we have kissed goodbye to January the month of discontent, now we must wrestle with February and it's commercial pitfall of Valentines day, in the months defence though it is mercifully short and the bulbs are feeling brave enough to peek above the soil at last, hope is being offered to us once more.

"The virtue of the camera is not the power it has to transform the photographer into an artist, but the impulse it gives to keep on looking"
Brooks Atkinson


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