Sunday 4 November 2012

A Family Feast

As you may have noticed I've been AWOL this week, taking a breather with Dave and the kids at the coast, so it was with a certain amount of reluctance that I heaved myself into the frosty morning air yesterday. A week off made me feel chilly and stiff to start with but I soon picked up the rhythm again joining the girls in cutting back the round border, each of us trying to remember what needed our attention, what it was called and indeed what it looked like when in flower, not an easy job when all around you has turned to brown mush! Luckily for me it was to be an easy day again as we were celebrating Giles' birthday at lunchtime, Lord and Lady Graham presiding over a feast of hot and comforting pumpkin soup made from our own produce of course, followed by a beautiful iced chocolate cake. They do make us feel like we all belong to a large and rather eccentric family!

"Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast"
William Shakespeare


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