Thursday 10 January 2013

A Lightening Of Mood

The sun has finally reappeared in the sky and my mood has risen with it, I'm not sure if plants and flowers can look relieved but I swear the ones that reside in my garden do. All but the lonicera hedge that is, it had grown to a hulking six foot monster whilst my back was turned and as next door have thoughtfully erected a sturdy fence it knew its days were numbered. Dad and I cut it down yesterday and already the garden looks lighter and I have more space to play with. My plans at the moment consist of planting a climbing rose to cover the fence, and then to plant out every single thing currently lurking in a pot and if I can't find space for anything I will be ruthless and get rid of it, that should help solve the bitty appearance somewhat. My lightness of mood continued today when I managed to remember all fifteen Latin names for the weed identification test and then we spent the rest of the lesson walking around the gardens in the winter sunshine. Things seem to looking up.

"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know"
Ernest Hemingway


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