Thursday 17 January 2013

Border Terrier Bugbear

Gosh it's cold, Harlow Carr today has descended into a crystalline state of stasis, much too cold to tempt the class outside despite it's beauty. We shall continue to huddle within learning to identify pests  whilst dreaming of spring. I for one welcome the action of this hard frost on my poor soil, it will force cracks and air spaces into what has become saturated and compacted which will hopefully improve growing prospects later on. Something which I fear is beyond improvement now is my onion crop, the blame cannot be laid upon the weather or even my own ineptitude but must rest firmly on a certain Chumdog, who upon encountering the first snow fall of winter entered his customary state of craziness (which is referred to as zoomies in our house), and proceeded to race around the garden with no thought to raised beds and vegetable crops thus scattering onion sets asunder. I must remember to add pet border terriers to that RHS list of pests that I mentioned earlier!

"Nature has undoubtedly mastered the art of winter gardening and even the most experienced gardener can learn from the unrestrained beauty around them"
Vincent A Simeone


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