Sunday 12 August 2012

Late Summer Languor

The garden at Norton Conyers was waiting for me on Saturday and I soon felt like I'd been away for months not just two weeks. Everything has subtly changed in that time as the vigour of early summer gives way to the languid fecundity of August and September. The colours in the borders have morphed from the gentle shades of pinks and blues into startling yellows, oranges and reds. Browns also dominate as flowers die revealing their purpose in intricate seed pods, non so eye catching as the bladder senna Collutea which puff up and rattle with every passing breeze. It is good to be back.

"The brilliant poppy flaunts her head amidst the ripening grain, and adds her voice to sell the song that August's here again" Helen Winslow

The little holes in these poppy heads are made by the tiny birds of the garden who feast on the seeds inside.


Some of your flowery photos will provide much warmth during the long winter days, Ali.

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