Sunday 22 April 2012

A Wander In The Wild Wood

Beautiful bluebells
Initially the weather was kind to us yesterday despite the forecast, the showers seemed to pass over the garden before falling as if they sensed we had too much work to do to be interrupted. By lunchtime we had prepared and planted a new asparagus bed, potted on two trays of Helichrysum and Cosmos and one of Calendula, and moved the dahlia tubers into the peach house where the extra warmth will bring them on a bit more. We also accomplished an hours worth of weeding in the main border before stopping, however just as we were finishing our meal the sky darkened and the rain and hail began to fall. Giles suggested that we take a walk down to the lake whilst we waited for the weather to clear, which was the perfect opportunity to gaze upon the bluebells, carpeting the woods like drifting smoke. It is important sometimes to stop work and appreciate natures beauty, as this is what should give us inspiration as gardeners.

"Reading about nature is fine, but if a person walks in the woods and listens carefully, he can learn more than what is in books, for they speak with the voice of God"  George Washington Carver

Stormy skies


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