Sunday 1 April 2012

Filling In The Gaps

There was no time to waste at NC yesterday as the growing season has started with a vengeance, to begin I planted three rows of Gladiolus in the cut flower border and some watercress in the stone trough by the greenhouse where the Ranunculus are flowering their socks off.We then spent the next couple of hours weeding out the honesty seedlings from the south border where they take over if you leave them, basically some part of everyday will now be taken up with weed destruction just to keep on top of the situation. After lunch there was yet another evil item of machinery for me to get to grips with, the rotavator, now even Alyson confessed to disliking this particular piece of kit and after trundling it up and down the vegetable patch a few times I could see why, it's got a mind of its own and is very heavy on the arms, so I gratefully left Giles to finish things off, at least I can say I've had a go but I wont be sorry if I don't encounter it again! To end the afternoon we planted the spuds, two rows of earlies and three each of Desiree and King Edward, all those empty garden spaces are really filling up now.

"Here cometh April again, and as far as I can see the world hath more fools in it than ever" Charles Lamb


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