Thursday 3 November 2011

Potential Orchard

Diana continues to plan ahead for winter tasks, soon the fig in the greenhouse will have dropped it's leaves and that will enable us to give it a hard prune, freeing up more space for overwintering plants, it has become a bit of a bully recently as you can see. All other unnecessary items we moved out and put neatly in their place in Di's shed which is exactly like her mind, very ordered, she can lay her finger on just about anything if it is needed, I keep hoping some of her order might rub off on me! Strangely enough autumn is a great time for planting things as the earth is still warm enough to encourage root growth, so our next task concerned the stool bed. This is where the root stocks are planted, cut back to the base of the stem which encourages them to produce strong new growth from the  base, when earthed up this new growth forms roots and is then used to graft a known variety onto and make a new fruit tree. We planted two M26  (apple), one Gisela and one Colt (cherry), and five St Julien A (plum), that's enough potential to make a whole new orchard!

"Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential"
Winston Churchill


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