Tuesday 29 November 2011

Rhythmic Gardening

Sunday turned out to be a challenging sort of day, we ventured over the M62 to St Helens to see Dave's dad. Predictably the journey was fraught with difficulties, first the wind was strong and gusty causing low speed limits on the motorway, eventually resulting in an ominous looking queue, so we exited to take a short cut only to discover that road was also closed, we ended up in Wigan, so much for time saving! Anyway the upshot of it all was four and a half hours in the car to spend only two hours with George, still it was good to see him looking well. Therefore getting up at six on Monday morning was not a prospect I was looking forward to, but once at NC life and gardening resumed its stress less rhythm, reminding me just why I made the change of jobs in the first place. Progress is definitely being made as you can see from the pics, the peach house border is now finished and we've nearly cleared the main border, uncovering many fat buds as we go, promising a good show for spring.

"When we pay attention to natures music, we find that everything on the earth contributes to its harmony"
Hazrat Inayat Khan


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