Thursday 19 July 2012

Endings And Beginnings

I'm afraid I must impart bad news on today's blog, Dave my partner of the last ten years has decided he must move on to pastures new. This has come as a blow I must admit, it is scary to contemplate life alone again. However my wonderful children are helping me and we will still take that Maldives holiday but just the three of us. Picture if you will Princess Diana sitting in front of the Taj Mahal, but replace her with a lass with purplish hair and a determined expression who is looking forward to completing her horticultural goals. Jasmine, George and I thank Dave for all his many kindnesses and hope he finds what he is searching for.

"Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts. You have to remember this when you find yourself at the beginning" Sandra Bullock


Best wishes. That's life as Ester Rantzen (bound to be spelt wrong) said.
Life goes on and we make of it what we will.
We read your blog every time you post and do so enjoy sorry to hear your relationship has come to an end but as one door opens....

I hope you both find happiness and please keep posting - in the dark days of Winter it made us smile and I would so like to be as brave as you and change my career !

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