Wednesday 30 March 2011

First Rain For Ages

Wednesday 30th March 2011

Gentle rain on our walk this morning, the temperature has risen somewhat so it's been nicely refreshing, however I could do with windscreen wipers for my glasses.

Down by the river a new flower has appeared, the nodding heads of Wood Sorrel may be the shy cousins of the anemone, but their Shamrock shaped foliage is as bright and fresh a green colour as you will ever see, I think I prefer them.

Today has been a spa day, an excellent opportunity to catch up on all those gardening magazines I've been meaning to read, and lets face it, every good gardener is always in need of a manicure!

Todays piece of whimsey
The rain it raineth every day,
upon the just and unjust fella,
but it raineth more upon the just,
because the unjust has the just's umbrella!


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