Thursday 24 March 2011

Musings on mowing

Thursday 24th March 2011

Does anyone actually like cutting the grass? Until today it's always been a chore, noisy cumbersome old flymo lugged around the garden, squashing any worm-casts flat and generally making more mess than if you had just left it alone.
Now it's all different , I have just used the hand-push for the first time, and the first cut this year- what a brilliant result!
It is a craftmans cut, not that of a reluctant Sunday mower. It has also been a pleasure to use, quiet and satisfying, no chance of a breakdown or accidentally electrifying yourself and it only cost £30 from Homebase. I call that a result.

Speaking of mowing things down, a special mention must be made today about the antics of certain four legged creatures. The chore of autumn planting long forgotten the garden is now ablaze with nodding daffodil heads, or at least it was until this morning. Chummy dog and Smokey the cat had one of their do's - spitting and hissing the cat was soundly chased from the garden by an enthusiastic dog, daffodils were trampled and felled like skittles. Six months of anticipation gone in under a minute -thanks guys.

Cogitation for the day
Flowers seem intended for the solace of ordinary humanity
John Ruskin


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