Tuesday 31st May 2011
Monday was altogether a better sort of day. Despite it being grey with pretty steady rain until mid-afternoon, I managed to get a few things done. Finished the hated bio-fuels chapter at last, I've found it tough, full of strange chemicals and processes that will not stick in my head, never mind I can always go back to it later. Sequestered myself in the kitchen with the radio on and re-potted all the chillies, peppers, amaranthus and borage seedlings. Just when I think my plant stocks are running low, within an hour I'm back looking like a nursery again!
Later I took a very satisfying amble round the garden to see what was looking good. The sea holly is doing well this year, it's stems and flowers turn a stunning electric blue when mature. There are rumours of a return to warmer weather at the end of the week-HOORAY!
"God sleeps in the minerals, awakens in the plants, walks in the animals, and thinks in man"
Arthur Young