Tuesday 17th May 2011
The Monday shift showed no signs of flagging on day three of the Tate House project. The vegetables continued to be planted with enthusiasm if not aplomb, more onions, cabbage, brussel sprouts and lettuce went in, two courgette plants( fingers crossed no more frost ) and two rows of runner beans. Then Nick constructed a stunning cage to keep the pigeons off, he should have been an engineer that lad! Meanwhile Jack continued his battle with the Gunnera, which had run amok after escaping the confines of the pond.Nasty stuff with long roots that make new plants at the drop of a hat, three days he has devoted to the task so I went to help him. Madhu has really made a differance to the remembrance garden by tidying, weeding and trimming the grass edges. When the gunnera had finally been conquered we all hoed, raked, forked and dug the bed over until the soil was looking viable, then the boys sowed three trenches of seed potatoes. They should help to improve the soil and might even be a match for the rogue rhubarb.
"Sweet flowers are slow and weeds make haste"
William Shakespeare, Richard III
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