Friday 13th May 2001
Sorry for the delay folks, but the Friday the 13th gremlins have caused problems with the mother ship, I have no idea what has happened to yesterdays post, maybe it will turn up soon or go down in history as the the one that got away!
Planting strawberries was my first task at Southlands, the gardener(paid!) had left a tray of them and asked if I would see to them. He has told Val that I'm doing a grand job, so I'm pleased I haven't trodden on his toes and messed up any of his planting schemes. He is going to bring the bedding plants soon and let me do the hanging baskets, that will be a full afternoons work.
I am starting to realise that every garden has it's crosses to bear, and that I am very lucky that mine are only lilac suckers and herb Robert, Southlands has goosegrass and nettles, and they are amassing a giant army as the season progresses. I don't think I managed to remove a hundreth of it but my back felt like I had by the time I went home. Next week I shall bring my hoe!
The picture is of a beautiful arrangement that caught my eye whilst tackling the weeds.
"Tender-handed stroke a nettle and it stings you for your pains, grasp it like a man of mettle, and it soft as silk remains"
Aaron Hill
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